The Keynote Speaker Social Media Content Solution

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Case Study Details

Client :

Paul Epstein

At a Glance :

Leadership and Decision Making Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Podcast Host

Paul Epstein

About Paul

Paul Epstein is a renowned keynote speaker, mindset coach, and performance consultant who has worked as a high-level executive for multiple NFL and NBA teams. He is also the bestselling author of The Power of Playing Offense, which has received accolades from media outlets like Inc. and Fast Company. Paul's work has been featured in USA Today and on major news networks such as ESPN, NBC, and Fox Business. In 2022, Paul was recognized as one of SUCCESS magazine's top thought leaders that get results, placing him among respected figures like Tony Robbins, Brené Brown, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Mel Robbins.

Known for his inspiring message, Paul encourages his audiences to strive for excellence and pursue growth. He believes that small, consistent actions can lead to significant progress, and he has helped thousands of leaders and hundreds of organizations, including Amazon, Disney, Johnson & Johnson, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the Dallas Cowboys, reach their goals.


Despite his success, Paul faced several challenges in his business:

  • Lacking thought leadership content: Paul had difficulty developing thought leadership content, which limited his ability to reach new audiences.
  • Outdated website delivering a sub-par user experience that was not driving results: Paul's website was outdated and did not offer an optimal user experience, which was negatively affecting his ability to attract and retain visitors.
  • Only active on LinkedIn: Paul was only active on LinkedIn, which limited his ability to reach audiences on other platforms.
  • Did not have the time to create content or serve his marketing properly: As a busy professional, Paul found it challenging to dedicate the time necessary to create content and implement marketing initiatives.

Paul's Objectives:

Paul Epstein, a highly respected keynote speaker, mindset coach, and performance consultant, had several goals he wanted to achieve through his marketing efforts. He wanted to expand his reach on social media, build his thought leadership, and drive more website traffic. Specifically, Paul hoped to achieve the following objectives:

  • Expand his reach on social media: Paul recognized the importance of social media in building his brand and reaching new audiences. He wanted to increase his presence on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, and establish himself as a thought leader in his field.
  • Build his thought leadership: Paul wanted to develop more thought leadership content to share with his audiences. He hoped to provide valuable insights and perspectives that would inspire and motivate his followers to pursue their goals.
  • Drive more website traffic: Paul's website was an essential component of his marketing strategy, as it served as a hub for all of his services and content. He wanted to drive more traffic to his site and increase engagement with his visitors, resulting in more leads and conversions.
  • Maintain a consistent brand across all digital assets: Paul recognized the importance of maintaining a consistent brand across all of his digital assets. This included his newsletters, website, social media content, sales materials, proposals, and more. He wanted to ensure that all of his digital assets reflected his brand identity, messaging, and values, providing a seamless experience for his followers and customers. By maintaining a consistent brand, Paul could build greater trust and credibility with his audience and establish a stronger connection with his customers.

SpeakrBrand Solutions:

SpeakrBrand provided Paul with a range of services to address his challenges, including:

  • Full brand revamp: We conducted a full brand revamp, helping Paul develop a brand identity that more effectively conveyed his mission and values. This included updating his logo, color palette, and brand messaging.
  • Robust social media strategy: We developed a comprehensive social media strategy, creating content for platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. We focused on creating valuable, engaging content that aligned with Paul's mission and values.
  • Website development: We redesigned Paul's website, creating a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience. We also optimized the site for search engines and created landing pages to drive conversions.
  • Bi-weekly email campaigns: We created bi-weekly email campaigns, which helped Paul maintain engagement with his subscribers. We designed each email to be visually appealing and included valuable content that aligned with Paul's messaging.
  • Development of sales and marketing materials: We created all necessary sales and marketing materials, such as brochures, sales sheets, and presentations. We ensured that each piece aligned with Paul's brand identity and messaging.
  • Keynote presentations: We helped Paul develop compelling keynote presentations, which allowed him to more effectively share his message with audiences. We designed each presentation to be visually appealing and engaging, and we included content that aligned with Paul's mission and values.
  • Book launch strategy: We developed a strategy for launching Paul's book, The Power of Playing Offense. This included creating a social media campaign, developing email marketing materials, and coordinating with bookstores and other retailers.
  • Established podcast growth strategy: We helped Paul establish a strategy for growing his podcast audience. We created promotional materials and developed a social media campaign to promote the podcast and increase engagement.


  • Power of Playing Offense #1 Amazon Bestseller
  • Increased 12-month website traffic by 600% 
  • Helped Paul become SUCCESS Magazine’s 125 Top Thought Leaders That Get Results
  • 50K+ revenue in one month from organic Instagram
  • +4,200 LinkedIn followers in 24 months
  • +6,200 Instagram followers in 24 months
  • +3,300 Twitter followers in 24 months
  • 40+ business development leads generated


SpeakrBrand plays offense, and they produce undeniable results. Since working with them, my LinkedIn and Instagram have taken off and I get countless comments about how I am 'killing it' online. The best part: they are a one stop shop for all of my marketing and branding needs.

In Summary

Paul Epstein faced several challenges in his business, including a lack of thought leadership content, an outdated website, and limited social media presence. SpeakrBrand worked closely with Paul to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that addressed these challenges and helped Paul achieve significant results.

As a result of our efforts, Paul was able to become a #1 Amazon bestseller, increase website traffic by 600%, generate $50k in revenue from organic Instagram, and increase his social media following across LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. These results helped Paul build a stronger brand, reach new audiences, and establish himself as a thought leader in his field.

We are proud to have worked with Paul and are excited about the future impact our partnership will have. Looking forward to 2023 and beyond, we believe that Paul will continue to inspire others to strive for excellence and achieve their goals. With our support, Paul will be able to reach even greater heights and continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those around him. We are committed to working closely with Paul to ensure that his brand continues to grow and succeed in the years to come.

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